[liberationtech] Thank you for choosing cyberpunk dystopia.

LilBambi lilbambi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 14:06:56 PDT 2013

Shava you are like a breath of fresh air after dealing with the so called
normal people and government idiocracy.

Like Spike, I very much look forward to reading your posts.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Spike (Chris Foote) <spike at tenbus.co.uk>wrote:

> Thank you Shava,
> I so look forward to reading your posts.
> Spike
> On 10/07/2013 20:07, Shava Nerad wrote:
>> I have to say, this is why I am proposing we must turn to traditional
>> community organizing, using the net only as a means of totally
>> transparent communications at this point for organizing facilitations.
>> We have a strong history in this country of successful insurgent formal
>> nonviolent social movements.  And I am afraid if we do not mobilize the
>> consequences are in fact dystopian.
>> We have two generations essentially detached not only from civic
>> activism but largely from the social contract in general.  I feel as
>> though society is inviting renewal or despotism.
>> So, what are we looking at?  The vague shadows of a Spanish Civil War?
>> I hope the hell not.  Shadows of 1930s Germany is what I hear more
>> often, ducking Godwin, but just reporting.
>> The point is that there is one piece of compassion we might have here:
>> while we are horrified as activists in a democracy in America regarding
>> our government, our government -- our friends and people we see not as
>> friends -- is somewhat justifiably horrified looking over our shoulders
>> at the electorate.
>> Government can not change the electorate in a democracy -- at least, not
>> quickly.  That really only works the other way around.
>> Our people do not understand their own government any more.  They have
>> been reality engineered into a market-of-votes. Elections here are
>> transmedia, and are game theoried to death.  Party platforms are minor
>> lore and backstory.  Political principals that actually relate to real
>> world consequences have very little place in electoral politics except
>> as they are adopted as plot elements in the transmedia drama, which
>> often holds no reliance, especially, on facts.
>> If you have felt like every bit of this has been social engineering
>> since about Clinton and Gingrich started influencing their parties, I
>> think you would be right.  Both men are very fond of a marketing/game
>> theory chase to the middle.  The DLC and the Contract for America both
>> displayed strong ideological platforms while candidates pursued whatever
>> it took to take the unaffiliated vote.  So we entered the age where
>> everyone complained that the parties were indistinguishable.  For
>> decades.  Until that became, in market research, too unpopular.
>> Nearly instantly, our two dominant parties went, in the public
>> perception, from being indistinguishable, from having always been too
>> polarized and unable to work with one another, ever.
>> And, although this made approval ratings of Congress as a whole drop (at
>> 11-17% now but they have no reason to fear consequences), it made
>> approval of your local congresscritters go up -- your own delegation is
>> seen as aggressive, fighting for you, and standing up to bad
>> government.  Teflon.  And totally unaccountable.
>> We are so fucked.  This is the perfect morph of "we have always been at
>> war with Eurasia" in politics.
>> You have to be carefully taught... This is not an electorate.  It's an
>> arena of futbol yahoos who never had a chance to learn what it means to
>> be a citizen of a democracy, drunk on cheap beer and cheering for the
>> guys wearing the right color uniforms, and ready to brawl with the other
>> fans if they lose.
>> This is why, yes they are outraged about Prism -- they have been taught
>> to be outraged because in a neuromarketing sense, it retains their
>> attention quivering at the TV for three minutes through the next series
>> of ads, and they retain more information from those ads and are grateful
>> for their soothing effect, so it makes for greater brand affinity.  So
>> as long as Snowdon keeps adrenaline moving as political porn, he will
>> get equal time on CNN, MS-NBC, and FOX News, and as soon as he stops
>> selling stuff, the sleeping giant will roll over and go back to
>> hibernation until next crisis or the Superbowl.
>> Like a light switch, by manufactured consent, the spotlights will go
>> off, go on again perhaps as a footnote if some bad consequences happen
>> to Snowden after the NSA decides enough people don't care any more, then
>> fade, entirely, to black.
>> But it is possible to change things.
>> It takes the ones who are still learning, and that means the young, the
>> geeks, the intellectuals.  It takes forming a movement based on
>> principals, so it doesn't rely on one set of people coming up with
>> ideas.  It must be nonviolent and coherent with how the current system
>> purports to work (and often that ends up working against the system as a
>> shaming mechanism).  I am hoping it will be multipartisan, but I am
>> pretty unabashedly old-line liberal and conservative-friendly -- my
>> attitude is that politics is RvR gaming and beers after, and geeks are
>> good at fighting fair in design meetings. ;)
>> I want to open source politics.  It's gotten ikky, and it's getting
>> ikkier, but contrary to popular belief, it isn't inherent on all
>> scales.  And it's gotten worse rather than better due to people
>> neglecting the institution.  Someone has to clean the loos dammit, or
>> they get gross.  It's part of co-operative living.  We can't get rid of
>> politics.
>> If we don't open it all up, document it, get a million young people
>> involved in a Great Hunt to discover how we got here and how their
>> birthright can be recovered from the political power mongers -- we won't
>> have a democracy.
>> Besides, this is the biggest most amazing best programmed LARP there
>> is.  There are actually some great aspects to spending your time on
>> civilization rather than Civilization(tm). ;)  Why spend time on bread
>> and circuses when you can engage the real thing?
>> So, this is not a "civic game" or gamification.  This is using the net
>> as organizing for social ends with perhaps a metaphorical idiom of
>> gaming, the hunt, the quest, the Hero's Journey.
>> Because I don't think it's an exaggeration that this is an asymmetrical
>> war, however nonviolent, we are entering into.  No less than King or
>> Mandela or Gandhi went into.  Our government is trapped in error and I
>> see no way except to bring the people to bail them out, and as was so in
>> any of those prior peaceful civil wars, we have friends inside, but
>> years of work ahead.
>> #bluerosemovement
>> Yrs,
>> SN
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