[liberationtech] Resources on electronic voting

Steve Weis steveweis at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 12:23:32 PDT 2013

Ben Adida's thesis "Advances in Cryptographic Voting Systems" is thorough
and well-written:

Some of these ideas are implemented in Helios Voting:

Note, "electronic voting" would include non-cryptographic implementations
like simple electronic counters.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Marcin de Kaminski
<marcin at dekaminski.se>wrote:

> Dear all,
> Sorry to ask such a general question but I need input on the issue of
> electronic voting. Is there any comprehensive collection of resources or
> (preferably academic) research already out there?
> Any other input or links to prior discussions on this list would be most
> helpful as well.
> Thanks!
> Marcin
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