[liberationtech] Fwd: Paper on Google Glass

Eduardo Robles Elvira edulix at wadobo.com
Wed Jul 10 11:33:45 PDT 2013


I suppose there are a lot of people thinking already on the privacy
issues. I like to think of it in another way. I think it'd be also
worth noting that google glass is just one more step in the paradox of
making everything more close to the user, so it might be regarded by
users as more private, but it's even more connected to google cloud

Glass augments physical privacy! Current mobile phones have huge
screens, people around you can easily see what you're doing. With
glass this changes: you have a very small screen close to your eye,
and only you will be able to see what's being displayed on it. I
didn't try google glass, but I already got confirmation about this two
months ago in stackoverflow:

People will love glass because in the western world we love being
detached and isolated from the physical world. Everyone is with their
mobile phones when I take the subway, on the bus stop, etc. We love
our mobile phones because we are dependent on it. I think this is one
of the reasons google glass or in general augmented reality, when it
catches up (it might take more than a decade, like it happened with
tablets), people will love even more their glasses.

Will it become impolite to use google glass as it might be impolite to
use a mobile phone when you're with someone else? No doubt problems
willl happen, but as adoption grows, it will be normalized and people
will adapt to the new situation. If (note the conditional) adoption
grows enough, everyone will be using glass so it'll become normal and
ok to use glass in situation where currently it's rude or impolite.
Also the apps will adapt to be non-intrusive enough, something that
google has been stressing from the begining to developers.

And yes, all of us will become permanent spies of google+US
government. But this is already happening with mobile phones, and
no-one is complaining. Right now they can hear everything you hear
with your mobile phone, they can snoop all your conversations, know
where you are. Google glass will allow to let them see what you see,
but that's just one more step in my opinion, when taking the whole
picture into account.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> From: Bruno Fortugno <Brunofortugno at sympatico.ca>
> I am a student writing a paper on the potential privacy issues caused by
> Google's upcoming product Google Glass. I was wondering if anyone could
> advise some good resources for my research.
> Thanks,
> Bruno Fortugno
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Eduardo Robles Elvira     +34 668 824 393            skype: edulix2
http://www.wadobo.com    it's not magic, it's wadobo!

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