[liberationtech] Terry Winograd and Evgeny Morozov

Terry Winograd winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Fri Jul 5 14:56:51 PDT 2013

I enjoyed seeing the discussion that Evgeny provoked here (and indeed
"provoke" is his MO).  I found Alex Madrigal's review in the Atlantic
very thoughtful (though long):



On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 7:55 AM, The Doctor <drwho at virtadpt.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/02/2013 06:50 PM, Doug Schuler wrote:
>> And not to be churlish, but of course language did not solve all of
>> our problems. But as in the parable you mentioned, It did help
>> humankind dominate nature ? lions included.
> Talking to a lion doesn't help when it has you in its mouth.
> - --
> The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
> Developer, Project Byzantium: http://project-byzantium.org/
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> WWW: https://drwho.virtadpt.net/
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