[liberationtech] Deadline extension: International Summit for Community Wireless Networks 2013

Ermanno Pietrosemoli ermanno at ula.ve
Fri Jul 5 03:05:39 PDT 2013

Dear Dan,
two weeks ago I submitted a proposal for a panel on Community Cloud
Networks, using the on line tool.
I have not received any feedback, and I am wondering if the proposal did go
thru, or if I should try again.
Please advise.

Thank you,

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 8:01 PM, Dan Staples <
danstaples at opentechinstitute.org> wrote:

> FYI, the deadline for workshop and panel proposals at this year's Summit
> has been extended until July 1st. See below for more info.
> --
> Are you passionate about using technology to improve your community? Do
> you want to help expand access to affordable Internet? Are you an
> advocate for open technology, ICT4D or community-owned infrastructure?
> If so, then we invite to you to participate in this year's International
> Summit for Community Wireless Networks (IS4CWN)
> <http://2013.wirelesssummit.org/>. The Summit will take place in
> Berlin on October 2-4, 2013.
> IS4CWN is a gathering of technology experts, policy analysts,
> on-the-ground specialists, and researchers working on state-of-the-art
> community broadband projects across the globe. Above all, IS4CWN is a
> community of communities, and the annual summit serves as an opportunity
> to share ideas and challenges, discuss policy issues, and coordinate
> research and development efforts.
> The 2013 Summit theme is community. In the past decade -- which included
> the founding of Freifunk <http://start.freifunk.net/>, the birth of the
> International Summit for Community Wireless Networks, and the genesis of
> major projects including Commotion <https://commotionwireless.net/> and
> CONFINE <http://confine-project.eu/> -- the community wireless movement
> has expanded substantially in both size and visibility.
> But where do we go from here? How can we take the movement to the next
> level in terms of technological advancement, community engagement, and
> diversity? We encourage our speakers, workshop leaders, and participants
> to think big this year and help us grow our community of communities.
> Interested? Head on over to www.WirelessSummit.org
> <http://www.wirelesssummit.org/>.
> Registration is open and forms to submit workshop proposals and
> request travel funding are available. Early registrants will receive a
> 50% discount.
> Potential topics include: using wireless for social justice, rural
> broadband frameworks, technical developments in mesh networking,
> spectrum policy, training communities in technical skills, case studies
> of networks, challenges of corporate monopolies, and much more.
> This year's Summit is committed to having a diversity of voices and
> experience, and we're looking to have a lot of new faces in the room.
> Community networks encompass a whole range of social, political and
> technical challenges, so technical knowledge is definitely not required.
> Access to technology and technical knowledge has been historically
> inequitable and remains so to this day. Recognizing this, the
> International Summit for Community Wireless Networks aspires to include
> participants and speakers from a broad range of backgrounds and
> experiences. We seek and welcome diversity in order to reflect the
> communities that wireless networks can and should serve, cultivating
> expertise, creativity, and innovation. Please join us in creating an
> environment of respect, equity, and accessibility at all levels of
> Summit involvement.
> --
> Dan Staples
> Open Technology Institute
> https://commotionwireless.net
> --
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Ermanno Pietrosemoli
Fundación Escuela Latinoamericana de Redes (EsLaRed)
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