[liberationtech] Terry Winograd and Evgeny Morozov

Shava Nerad shava23 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 22:25:55 PDT 2013

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:21 PM, Karl Fogel <kfogel at red-bean.com> wrote:

> Oh gosh, weighing in on a thread about Evgeny Morozov on Liberation Tech
> has got to be some kind of apotheosis of trolldom...  But what the heck,
> by now everyone who wanted to do Kill-Thread on this in their mailreader
> has already done so.  So:

<this is ad absurdum, please!>

Evgeny started out as a techno-utopian, and had his heart broken.

So just like Dick Cheney, and such like figures, he retreated to a position
of utter darkness about his former liberal position and decided every
foible of his youth represented idiocy.

The truth lies in the middle.

(and of course, my opinions represent the truth ;)


Shava Nerad
shava23 at gmail.com
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