[liberationtech] secure download tool - doesn't exist?!?

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Tue Jul 2 01:51:05 PDT 2013


adrelanos wrote (01 Jul 2013 18:03:01 GMT) :
> Goal:

> - big file downloads
> - at least as secure as TLS
> - at least as simple as a regular download using a browser
> - not using TLS itself (too expensive) for bulk download

> The problem: [...]

+ verify that the signed file you've downloaded is actually the
  version you intended to download, and not an older, also properly
  signed one.

See tools that take this into account:
  - Thandy (already mentioned by Moritz)
  - our design for incremental updates:
  - TUF:

Other than this, our current take on it is, I believe, making it
easier to verify OpenPGP detached signatures. E.g. we're working to
make it work flawlessly on the GNOME desktop.

  | GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
  | OTR fingerprint @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/otr.asc

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