[liberationtech] Physical Hacks to Protect Privacy/Freedom

Lorenzo Franceschi Bicchierai lorenzofb8 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 08:21:34 PDT 2013

Hey guys,

A colleague and I are exploring the world of physical hacks to protect
privacy and freedom. For example, this is what we mean:

IR LEDs Overwhelm Surveillance cameras


Using makeup and hairstyles to overcome facial recognition apps



RFID-blocking wallets


Any other cool examples you can think of? I'd like to get as many examples
as possible, so I thought I'd ask here since you guys must know many more.


*Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai
*Mashable <http://www.mashable.com> Junior US & World Reporter
lorenzo at mashable.com | lorenzofb8 at gmail.com
#: (+1) 917 257 1382
Twitter: @lorenzoFB <http://www.twitter.com/lorenzoFB>
Skype: lorenzofb8
OTR: lorenzofb at jabber.ccc.de
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