[liberationtech] Is the Cyberwar beginning?

Cameran Ashraf chashraf at ucla.edu
Thu Jan 31 18:57:09 PST 2013

As a geographer I find the discussion illuminating. Despite the  
challenges to conventional - or traditional - notions of territory and  
sovereignty that information and the internet represent, we  
(practitioners, activists, academics, etc.) continue to try to ground  
notions of cyberwar in the almost 350 year-old Westphalian way of  
organizing and demarcating political space.

Maybe the way we relate to cyberwar isn't so "cyber" after all?


Ph.D. student
Department of Geography
University of California, Los Angeles

Quoting Alex Comninos <alex.comninos at gmail.com>:

> Political science generally defines war as over 1,000 casualties per
> year as a result of political conflict. Being a political scientist, I
> find cyberwar meaningless. Perhaps information conflict is a better
> term? The word "war" also generates fear, and state response, as well
> as extraordinary measures to deal with it, which are not always nice
> (think PATRIOT Act and NDAA 1021). Using the word war can escalate
> conflict. So lets rather not use it.
> Thanks for initating this discussion.
> --
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