[liberationtech] Man-in-the-middle attack on GitHub in China

danimoth danimoth at cryptolab.net
Wed Jan 30 02:17:16 PST 2013

On 30/01/13 at 06:06pm, Martin Johnson wrote:
> I agree that the petition itself is controversial. The proposal is unlikely
> to be realized. Gathering a lot of signatures will help bring attention to
> the problem though. I would encourage people to sign it for that reason.

Regarding that, sometimes ago a big gaming house launched its beta
service, open worldwide. In the first days, I encountered a chinese user, 
and I asked him if he knows of the great firewall, and other things that 
his country blocks for him. 

He didn't know anything about censorship, nor about the great firewall.

So my personal point of view is that European / American users know more
about Great Firewall than Chinese ones.

Am I wrong ? (I hope that.)

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