[liberationtech] Email privacy

André Rebentisch tabesin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 14:18:24 PST 2013

Am 29.01.2013 18:46, schrieb scarp:
> I should have said that they "appear to", because they only do so when
> it's costly to their own commercial interests. This way they also
> generate good PR.

The advertisement business model is based on profiling customers. They
have a well understood commercial case to lobby against legal
limitations and privacy laws for their users. We observe it in Brussels
now. A massive lobby effort of non-domestic companies (with web
advertisement revenue models) and our transatlantic partners.

> That's not a very good analogy because physical theft or seizure is
> noticed immediately. People then either have to do without those items
> or replace them which includes the burden of financial loss or time.

The analogy was entering a house without permission because the locker
(as all lockers) is unsafe or the door isn't closed.

> Over time people's perceptions of privacy will and have changed. This
> means they are less outraged by proposed draconian laws, assuming
> things continue down the same path as they have so far.

25 years ago mass surveillance of telecommunications was still very
common. I can't believe in aggravation.

DPR IMCO 148 is a quite interesting amendment, carried by the Internal
Market Committee (IMCO) recently

"on condition that no personal data are made accessible to an indefinite
number of people;"

> If you put your data on someone else's servers then there is always
> the possibility that they can hand it over, either legally or illegally.

I am not saying that you share these views but it is a pattern: First
persons muse about raising security/privacy (levels), and when data was
not kept secure/private they say, it's public anyway and we won't
respect your data sovereignty. Or the attitude: when you store your
mails with gmail then you *deserve* that a foreign government dares to
read your mails.  Analogy: When I lock my door and you could still get
in with a picklock then you'd also enjoy the right to enter my house
because my locker was unsecure.

For the EU single market our Cloud services have to be under our
jurisdiction or third nations guarantee to refrain from infringing our
data privacy. Data protection laws provide sanctions, design principles,
practices, institutions. Fortunately the European Union has the gravity
to raise global standards.

See: http://protectmydata.eu/


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