[liberationtech] Email privacy

André Rebentisch tabesin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 07:50:59 PST 2013

Am 29.01.2013 04:42, schrieb scarp:
> While Google fights for privacy, somewhat against lower level law
> enforcement requiring them to have supporting legal documentation
> authorizing them to have access to that information.
What makes you think that they defend/advocate privacy? The ongoing
debate on this side of the Atlantic:
> Hosting your own email in another country outside of the US would be a
> good idea, because we all know the NSA records everything anyway that
> goes across US networks. ...
> All we do seem to know is the NSA has plans to "record the entire
> Internet".
Even if they did, only a limited audience would get access. You can't
use extralegal information in court. Noticed that simplified logic of
either private/safe or public/unsafe here before. If I don't lock my
house or use an unsafe mechanism to lock it (like 99.99% of the
population) that doesn't mean anyone is invited to enter and seize my

New study of the EP: Fighting cyber crime and protecting privacy in the

Heise reports US diplomates slightly over the top against EU data
protection (German)


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