[liberationtech] advice on securing a new computer

Brad Beckett bradbeckett at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 19:05:11 PST 2013

Here is a Free VPN service: http://www.vpnbook.com/

I've tested their PPTP connections out and they work well, don't know if
you can trust them or not though so make sure you use https on all sites
you login to.

Here's a video guide how to setup PPTP VPN connections in OS X:

Brad Beckett
Freelance IT Security Consultant

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Joseph Mornin <joseph at mornin.org> wrote:

> Apple publishes a security configuration guide for OS X:
> https://ssl.apple.com/support/**security/guides/<https://ssl.apple.com/support/security/guides/>
> The NSA also publishes hardening tips: http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/**
> factsheets/macosx_10_6_**hardeningtips.pdf<http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/factsheets/macosx_10_6_hardeningtips.pdf>
> Cheers,
> Joe
> --
> Joseph Mornin
> http://www.mornin.org/
> On 1/27/13 4:52 PM, sam de silva wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Are there any guides that tell me how to make a new computer secure, for
>> both use and connecting and communicating via the net?
>> My set up is as follows:
>> - Macbook Pro, running Mac OS 10.6.8
>> My requirements are as follows:
>> - I am almost always connected to the net, and need fast access, and full
>> web-browsing experience
>> - I'd like to block apps from sending out / receiving data from the net
>> - I'd like a secure cloud storage space for my own stuff and occasionally
>> share with others
>> - My workplace is Microsoft-based we have email via IMAP. I'd like to
>> have the option to send encrypted (PGP) emails to others.
>> - I'd like to secure the email that's stored on my laptop. I'd like to
>> use Apple Mail as my client.
>> - I travel often, and I'd prefer not to have my data fall in to the wrong
>> hands.
>> - I am not a geek, but can install my own applications and if guided
>> properly can do terminal stuff
>> ---
>> Any feedback or direction appreciated.
>> Best, Sam :-)
>> ------------------------------**--
>> Sam de Silva
>> skype: samonthenet
>> sam at media.com.au
>> +61 412 238 041
>> --
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