[liberationtech] CfP: Special issue of ITD on ICT & Development in Africa - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 1st

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 25 20:44:19 PST 2013

From: Shana Ponelis <ponelis at uwm.edu>

*Information Technology for Development *

*Call for papers: Special issue on ICT and Development in Africa* 

*** Deadline for submission extended to March 1, 2013 ***

The African continent, in spite of great strides in terms of socio-economic 
development, continues to lag economically advanced nations in its research 
on the developmental impact of information and communication technology 
(ICT).  Encompassing modern technology that is used to aid the electronic 
capture, processing, storage and disseminating of information, whether in 
numerical, textual, audio or visual format, ICT is an important driver for 
economic development and growth. With a population of more than 1 billion 
people Africa represents a significant portion of the world population and 
ICT is a vital tool to release the creative potential and knowledge 
embedded in her people. Whilst African countries are enthusiastically 
embracing ICT for socio-economic development, mainstream IS research 
remains focused on the issues related to ICT in developed, mature economies 
in North America and Europe (Roztocki and Weistroffer, 2008) .  Increasing 
our understanding of the possibilities and limitations of ICT and how to 
promote its adoption and use in Africa is of vital interest to information 
systems researchers and practitioners. 

The aim of this special issue is to provide insight into the practices and 
applications of ICT, identify problems and barriers, present 
context-specific findings and solutions, illustrate how ICT is enabling 
development of Africa and its countries and to support the flow of 
information from and about Africa with the world. We encourage the 
submission of original research papers as well as practice papers. We 
especially invite papers from authors based in Africa or papers reporting 
on empirical research conducted in Africa. Research from interpretive and 
critical research traditions encompassing quantitative, qualitative and 
mixed methods are also encouraged.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

•    Drivers and barriers for ICT adoption in Africa
•    Innovative applications of ICTs in African countries, including mobile 
•    E-government, e-health, or e-learning applications in Africa
•    Building capacity in ICT 
•    Acceptance and use of cloud computing in African contexts
•    User interfaces, information presentation and local language adaptation
•    Research frameworks and methods to study ICT in Africa, African 
countries or communities
•    Impact of Africa on the ICT industry
•    Impact of the Cheetah Generation on ICT in Africa
•    ICT for socio-economic development in the African continent
•    ICT infrastructure in African countries
•    ICT policy and legislation in African countries 
•    Strategies for addressing the digital divide and information poverty 
•    Information and computer literacy in African countries and communities
•    Indigenous knowledge systems and ICT in African countries 
•    ICT and social entrepreneurship in Africa
•    Ethical aspects of ICTs in Africa, including e-waste 
•    Country-specific case studies of ICT adoption or use
•    Digital divide and information poverty
•    ICT and community-based development approaches
•    ICT and the UN Millenium Development Goals in Africa

Deadline for submission: March 1, 2013
Notification of initial acceptance: May 1, 2013
Deadline for revised papers: June 30, 2013
Notification of final acceptance: July 31, 2013 
Tentative publication date: September 2013  

*Paper submission instructions and review*
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit original papers using 
the journal submission and reviewing web site 
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itd.  Detailed submission guidelines can 
be found at: 
The papers should follow the instructions for authors and authors should 
indicate “ICT and Development in Africa” special issue when uploading their 
papers.  Submissions to the special issue should be full research papers 
(maximum 21 pages or 9000 words) or practice papers (approximately 4000 

Each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed in the same manner as other 
submissions to *Information Technology for Development*.  Relevance, 
quality and originality of the contribution are the major acceptance 
criteria for each submission.  After initial screening, papers are reviewed 
by selected members of the editorial board and an international pool of 
peer reviewers for quality, consistency and research contribution. Authors 
are welcome to nominate one of the special issue editors or preferred 
reviewers when submitting their paper where no conflict of interest exists 
(an existing business or professional partnership, past or present 
association as thesis adviser or thesis student, and/or collaboration on a 
project or on a book/article/report/paper or co-editing of a journal, 
compendium, or conference proceedings constitutes a conflict of interest). 
Please remember to remove all your personal identifiable information from 
the main manuscript before submitting it for review.  Papers submitted to 
this journal must contain original results and must not be submitted 
elsewhere while being evaluated for publication in the *Information 
Technology for Development*.

*Special issue editors:*
Shana Ponelis 
School of Information Studies 
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI, USA
ponelis at uwm.edu 

Marlene Holmner 
Department of Information Science
University of Pretoria
Pretoria, South Africa
marlene.holmner at up.ac.za

Dr Shana Ponelis
School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Northwest Quadrant Building B, Room 3420, Milwaukee, WI 53211
ponelis at uwm.edu || 414-229-2514
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