[liberationtech] Skype Open letter translation

x z xhzhang at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 21:08:31 PST 2013

Hi Percy!

I actually did a Chinese translation and put it here:

(I posted the text on my Google+ page http://goo.gl/IZLwQ and Sina Weibo.)

We can definitely collaborate on improving the translation!


2013/1/24 Percy Alpha <percyalpha at gmail.com>

> Hi.
> I'm a member of greatfire team and I'm willing to translate the open
> letter to Chinese because the Tom-skype is really prevailing in China and
> thus makes the situation very dangerous. Then the admin could probably put
> it into a subdomain or sub-directory.
> Can someone tell me whom should I send my translation to?
> Percy Alpha
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