[liberationtech] Gamma FinFisher in talks with HROs about a "code of conduct"

Jillian C. York jilliancyork at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 12:47:47 PST 2013

Hi Ilf,

EFF has indeed talked with Gamma.  To be clear, we have no plans to endorse
the code of conduct, rather, it is generally our policy to try to feed good
ideas to companies, and withhold praise or condemnation until after we've
seen the result.

I have not been on these calls, so I'm not sure what, if any, additional
details I can offer, but suffice it to say, we're not hiding the fact we've
talked with them.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:43 AM, ilf <ilf at zeromail.org> wrote:

> https://netzpolitik.org/2013/**secret-government-document-**
>> reveals-german-federal-police-**plans-to-use-gamma-finfisher-**spyware/<https://netzpolitik.org/2013/secret-government-document-reveals-german-federal-police-plans-to-use-gamma-finfisher-spyware/>
> In an update to this story, Gamma developer Martin J. Münch told us:
>  We are currently in active discussions with various human rights
>> organizations to design and enforce a possible "code of conduct" for
>> companies like us.
> https://netzpolitik.org/2013/**bundeskriminalamt-bestatigt-**
> anschaffung-von-**staatstrojaner-gamma-**finfisher-wir-haben-die-**
> software/<https://netzpolitik.org/2013/bundeskriminalamt-bestatigt-anschaffung-von-staatstrojaner-gamma-finfisher-wir-haben-die-software/>
> Unfortunately, he declined to say which HROs are part of this. Only that
> currently no german HRO is involved.
> It's probably superfluous to say, but a "code of conduct" for surveillance
> software like this works like an "approved by HRO" cachet, therefore
> legitimizing and spreading the use of state malware.
> Does anyone know which HROs are talking with Gamma about this?
> I'd like to get in touch with them. In private, if wanted.
> --
> ilf
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