[liberationtech] Opensource SDK for SIM hacking

Jon Gosier jon at abayima.com
Mon Jan 21 08:15:09 PST 2013


After digging in to these projects with the team, I've got a better answer
for you.

The low level C work is great and portable, and it may be something that we
can contribute to and leverage in any of the solutions that we produce. The
fact that the higher tiers are in Python is both good and bad. Basically,
it would be difficult to side with Python 100% as it would rule out all
unmodified Windows systems to run the software - as in no windows
distribution comes with the Python runtime and anyone who wanted to use OSK
would need to download Python first. This is probably fine for developers
but no so much for the everyone else.

Kennedy (a contributor the project) came up with a lovely idea
for incorporating support for several different host OS's: Basically you
download OSK to a USB key, when its inserted into a computer it checks the
host for things like Python, Mono, etc. and then launches a version of OSK
that can run on the host.

For us its really about being able to offer support for as many different
platforms as possible and as many different device connection options as
possible (AT in addition to APDU) to lower as many barriers to entry for
the solution as much as possible.

Almost all of these projects are 100% developer focused.  Our goal is to
make the environment more friendly for developer and the end users who

- The Abayima Team

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Jon Gosier <jon at abayima.com> wrote:

> Thanks Jacob!  We weren't aware of any of these and if they offer the
> solutions we need we'll just build on them (of course contributing as
> well). So much appreciated!
> As for where we sit in the ecosystem, where we don't have to recreate the
> wheel in low-level programming, we won't. We ultimately care mostly about
> the GUI and ease-of-use, to enable projects related to humanitarian and
> journalist needs in developing countries.
> Jon, Abayima.com
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 6:46 AM, Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net>wrote:
>> Jon Gosier:
>> > Hey all,
>> >
>> > Thought I would share our Open SIM Kit (http://opensimkit.com) project
>> with
>> > the list.  The project aims to be an open source SDK of sorts for
>> hacking
>> > SIM cards. In practice, this allows users to modify the contents of SIM
>> > cards. The goals of the project:
>> Hi,
>> How does this compare with the suite of tools that Harald
>> Welte/Osmocom/Syscom and others have been working on for the last ~5+
>> years?
>> These are the projects that come to mind:
>>  Osmocom SIMtrace is a software and hardware system for passively
>>  tracing SIM-ME communication between the SIM card and
>>  the mobile phone.:
>>  http://bb.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/SIMtrace
>>  Osmocom Card Operating System (COS):
>>  http://cgit.osmocom.org/cgit/osmo-cos/
>>  A command line tool for (U)SIM authentication
>>  http://cgit.osmocom.org/cgit/osmo-sim-auth/
>>  A python tool to program magic SIMs:
>>  http://cgit.osmocom.org/cgit/pysim/
>>  Henryk Ploetz' smardcard shell:
>>  http://cgit.osmocom.org/cgit/cyberflex-shell/
>> Also, I believe that Shady.tel has been using these tools (and a vendor
>> in China) to produce full SIM cards with fully programmable k{i}.
>> Can you explain where your new project fits in the current ecosystem?
>> All the best,
>> Jacob
>> --
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> --
> Jon Gosier
> Founder, Abayima
> Mobile: (520) 301-7906
> Abayima.com <http://abayima.com/> | @abayima <http://twitter.com/abayima>
>  | Bio <http://jongosier.com/bio>
> *TED Senior Fellow Alum*

Jon Gosier
Founder, Abayima
Mobile: (520) 301-7906
Abayima.com <http://abayima.com/> | @abayima <http://twitter.com/abayima> |
Bio <http://jongosier.com/bio>

*TED Senior Fellow Alum*
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