[liberationtech] Opensource SDK for SIM hacking
Jon Gosier
jon at abayima.com
Mon Jan 21 01:47:59 PST 2013
Hey all,
Thought I would share our Open SIM Kit (http://opensimkit.com) project with
the list. The project aims to be an open source SDK of sorts for hacking
SIM cards. In practice, this allows users to modify the contents of SIM
cards. The goals of the project:
- To offer a GUI for programing SIMs (instead of doing it from the
command line in C++ and AT);
- Storing/sharing information discreetly in scenarios where other
communication might be monitored;
- Modifying SIM cards to do things they currently cannot (special apps,
work on ad-hock networks etc.);
- Adding apps and other information that isn't provided by Mobile
- Publishing content ways that can reach populations where other
communications might be scarce and unreliable but mobile feature phones are
- Making all this easy enough that non-technical people (Civil Groups,
Activists, Journalists, NGOs etc.) can do it;
- With the ultimate end goal of providing a completely decentralized
means of communicating (instead of through mobile carriers).
You can find the code on Github at http://github.com/abayima/opensimkit. We
especially invite developers with expertise in machine programming,
compression, and encryption.
Developer Wiki - http://dev.opensimkit.com
Jon Gosier
Founder, Abayima
Mobile: (520) 301-7906
Abayima.com <http://abayima.com/> | @abayima <http://twitter.com/abayima> |
Bio <http://jongosier.com/bio>
*TED Senior Fellow Alum*
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