[liberationtech] Come to Technoactivist Third Mondays, Noisebridge, 6PM, Jan 21st, 2169 Mission St SF !

Danny O'Brien danny at spesh.com
Fri Jan 18 19:03:29 PST 2013

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Hey everyone,

Every month, a group of hacktivists in New York working on
anti-censorship and anti-surveillance team meet up to collaborate, meet
new friends, and recruit for projects. We're starting a cousin event
here in San Francisco, and the first one is on Monday 21st, at 6PM, at

I suspect many of us in our community may be a little overwhelmed with
the last week, dealing with the passing away of Aaaron Swartz and the
burst of activity and introspection that has prompted. We'll try and
keep this first event low key and unstructured. There will be a few
things we'll be working on:

* Nate Cardozo, attorney at EFF, will be giving a quick rundown on how
  to file your own Freedom of Information Act requests of the US government: 
  what you can find out, what forms to fill, and how to publicise and share your


* We'll have a Want/Offer Wall and a Goals/Wish List for future events
  for quick sharing of current project needs and local resources.


* We'll brainstorm potential hacking projects for the Aaron Swartz
  memorial hackathons being organized at Noisebridge and many other
  hackerspaces on January 25-27.

We'll be done by 7.30PM, just in time for you to join Noisebridge's
circuit hacking mondays, web development class or just sneak out with us
for a Mission burrito.

Noisebridge is here: http://nburl.net/gethere

Please RSVP to danny at spesh.com if you're coming (though you can still
come along if you don't). If I get a million people replying, we may
relocate to the larger EFF offices around the corner, but if so we'll
let people know via the Noisebridge website and nb-announce.

You can also join the MeetUp community here:

Hope to see you there,


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