[liberationtech] Skype letter strategy

Maxim Kammerer mk at dee.su
Thu Jan 17 06:31:44 PST 2013

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Andre Rebentisch <tabesin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Definitely not. It is an organisation that does not care at all about its
> public image in the field of public policy. Quite exceptional, I may add.

Could you please be more specific? For instance, from what I remember,
whenever someone sets up an interview with a Microsoft employee, that
person is briefed by a team of professional PR people whose purpose is
to dig any information they can find on the interviewer, and design a
complete interview behavior / answers strategy based on that. That
doesn't come across as a behavior of a company that does not care
about its public image in some area.

> Of course there are exceptions to the scheme, e.g. an ip enforcement case in
> Russia a few years ago to which the company applied very professional damage
> control.

Are you referring to the the time when police would accuse people and
companies of using pirated Microsoft software, and Microsoft would
then distance itself from the investigation and claim they don't have
direct demands against the accused? I think all companies do that,
it's a win-win for them. Even Adobe “withdrew its support for the
criminal complaint against Dmitry Sklyarov” in 2001.

Maxim Kammerer
Liberté Linux: http://dee.su/liberte

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