[liberationtech] CfP: "Internet and International Politics: Comparing Opportunities and Rising Challenges" Panel - 7th ECPR General Conference, 4th-7th September 2013 Bordeaux

Calderaro, Andrea Andrea.Calderaro at EUI.eu
Thu Jan 17 03:08:16 PST 2013

Sorry for cross-posting

7th ECPR General Conference
4th - 7th September 2013
Sciences Po, Bordeaux

Deadline 1st February 2013

Call for Papers for the Panel:

Internet and International Politics: Comparing Opportunities and Rising Challenges

Chair: Andrea Calderaro (European University Institute)

Discussant: Ben Wagner (European University Institute)

The consolidation of worldwide Internet practices calls for research looking at the influence that this scenario has on politics from a comparative and transnational perspective of analysis. We can observe a growing scholarly interest in how the Internet is increasingly influencing International Politics, especially by empowering local actors in the development of and the coordination around contentious issues – both locally and internationally. Recent key international events have illustrated this empirically. The recent streams of protests challenging authoritarian regimes have generated interest in the potentialities of the Internet in transition countries. Furthermore, new tools have been developed to support the rising of local voices and to connect these to a global audience. Within this framework, the debate on the opportunities offered by the Internet to protect Human Rights is rich of contributions addressing new opportunities and new challenges. However, despite a general agreement that the Internet influences International Politics along this line, further effort is demanded to clarify the nature and dynamics of such an influence.
This panel calls for papers addressing novel research and empirical cases that capture the influence of the Internet on International Politics, as well as comparative research strategies exploring the use of internet-mediated communication across countries and political systems. The goal is to establish clear lines of dialogues between empirical research and innovative methodological approaches to new media and International Politics, with a main focus on contentious politics.

For further information, please contact:
andrea.calderaro at eui.eu<mailto:andrea.calderaro at eui.eu>

How to propose a paper
After having logged in,  select the panel's title, and submit an abstract of 300 max words via:

Further information on the "Internet and Politics " Program at the ECPR:


Andrea Calderaro, PhD | European University Institute

Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom | European University Institute

Guest Editor "Policy and Internet" special issue: "Online Collective Action and Policy Change" - CfP at:http://t.co/YWe2a7ya

Chair "Internet and Politics" Standing Group - European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)


Personal Page: www.eui.eu/Personal/Researchers/calderaro/<http://www.eui.eu/Personal/Researchers/calderaro/>

Twitter: @andreacalderaro

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