[liberationtech] Harvard & MIT present ID Hack

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Jan 16 16:08:42 PST 2013

From: Joy Ming <jming at college.harvard.edu>
Cc: "directors.idhack" <directors.idhack at gmail.com>

A few friends and I are starting Developers for
Development<http://facebook.com/developersfordevelopment> at
Harvard University, an organization that aims to inspire computer science
students to apply their skills to international development. Right now we
are working with MIT Global Poverty Initiative <http://gpi.mit.edu/> to
host ID Hack <http://sites.google.com/site/idhack2013>, a 28-hour hackathon
February 22-23 that will bring together hackers and NGOs to work on
problems in international development.

Right now we are looking for:

   - *organizations* who would be interested in sponsoring change, pitching
   projects, providing APIs, and sharing expertise.
   - *individuals* (hackers, designers, or non-technical participants) who
   are interested in making a difference in the world--and getting lots of
   free food and awesome prizes while doing it!

It would be awesome if you could share this with anyone you think would be
interested. And it would be even more awesome if you could get involved.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Joy Ming
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