[liberationtech] Aaron Swartz digital archive

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 13 23:42:39 PST 2013

From: David Orban <david.orban at gmail.com>

"The Web team of the Internet Archive have been archiving all the
aaronsw sites they are finding. But, Carl suggested we make a way for
people to store digital archives related to him: email, photos, code,
etc... It might be the first crowd-sourced Personal Digital Archive,
or a digital memorial collection." (via Boing Boing, Brewster Kahle)


I uploaded photos from the Open Government Data meeting that show
Aaron, and his emails to this discussion group, like the one below.


David Orban
skype, twitter, linkedin, sl, etc: davidorban

On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Aaron Swartz <me at aaronsw.com> wrote:
> When I was at the Open Government meeting in Sebastapol the other
> month, Larry Lessig asked whether there was a community of scrapers.
> It was a good question. There were communities for people who scraped
> news sites, and people who scraped book data, and that meeting had
> lots of people who scrape Open Government data, but there was no
> community that cut across these topical lines. So I've put one
> together:
> http://theinfo.org/
> I hope people involved in this stuff will join the mailing lists and
> get involved.
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