[liberationtech] Tragic News: Aaron Swartz commits suicide

Joanne Michele sabzbrach at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 13:52:03 PST 2013

Yvette, that's beautiful. Please pass along my gratitude.


On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Yvette Alberdingkthijm
<yvette at witness.org>wrote:

> All,
> Thank you for sharing and allowing this conversation on this list. I am
> the ED of WITNESS, a human rights organization, and happened to mention
> this thread today a friend (and one of WITNESS' allies and supporters), a
> Brooklyn-based psychiatrist called Sam Herschkowitz, particularly the fact
> that it seemed not always easy for people to find (the right) support when
> depressed or suicidal.
> He said that one out of 5 people struggle with depression or mood swings
> that can precipitate suicidal preoccupation.  There is no shelter from this
> occurrence and that shame ("I should be stronger") prevents all of us from
> getting help.
> He has offered to be a resource and to consult by phone or in person for
> free for anyone who needs help. I know this is a research-heavy crowd so I
> have posted his all information below. I cannot vouch for him
> professionally, and you should do your own homework, but I do know that he
> is a good potential link to resources.
> Thanks,
> Yvette
> *Samuel Herschkowitz, M.D.*
> *122 Willow Street*
> *Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201*
> *718-624-6277*
> * *
> * *
> *Curriculum  Vitae*
> *Dr. Herschkowitz has been a practicing psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
> for over 35 years specializing in depression and anxiety.  He has held
> academic positions at Downstate Medical Center, Beth Israel Hospital, Mount
> Sinai Hospital and at NYU **Medical Center.  He has been the Director of
> the NYU Psychoanalytic Institute as well as a teacher and mentor to
> residents and post graduate students in the mental health profession. His
> expertise in the treatment of depression and anxiety spans in modalities
> from pharmacological treatment to treatment approaches that are
> psychological only.  He is esteemed by his colleagues and has been awarded
> the Melitta Sperling award for outstanding performance within his field.*
> *Medical Licenses and Certifications:*
> * *
> State Licenses: New York State No. 131099
> Federal: DEA AH7591402
> Diplomate Certification: American Board of Medical Examiners #1658 (1976)
> Specialty Certifications: Diplomate,
> American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology #21352 (1980)
> Subspecialty Certification:     Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst,
> American Psychoanalytic Association (2000)
> *Educational  Experience:*
> College:  Honors College, Syracuse University, Summa Cum Laude
> Medical School: Honor Roll, College of Medicine
> State University of New York at Downstate (1976)
> New York City
> Research Fellow: Department of Immunology and Cancer Research
> Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital (1976)
> New York City
> Residency: Department of Psychiatry
>             Kings County Medical Center (1979)
> New York City
> Post Residency Training: New York University Medical Center
> Psychoanalytic Institute (1984)
> New York City
> * *
> *Academic Positions:*
> *Research Fellow*,
> Department of Immunology, Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital (1976-1977)
> *Assistant Instructor*,
> Downstate Medical Center (1976-1979)
> *Clinical Assistant Professor,*
> Downstate Medical Center (1980-1981)
> *Clinical Assistant Professor,*
> Beth Israel Medical Center (1981-1984)
> *Clinical Assistant Professor,*
> Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City (1984-1989)
> *Clinical Assistant Professor,*
> New York University Medical Center (1989-2000)
> *Clinical Associate Professor*
> New York University Medical Center (2000-2004)
> *Clinical Professor*
> New York University Medical Center (2004-present)
> *Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst*
> New York University Psychoanalytic Institute (NYUPI:  2000-present)
> *Publications:*
> 1. *Refereed publications:*
> Herschkowitz, S. & Dickes, R., Suicide Attempts in a Female to Male
> Transsexual,
>      *J. of the American Psychiatric Association*, 35:368-69, March, 1978.
> Goode, R., Saften, T. & Herschkowitz, S., Mutagenic Retardation of
> Ascorbic Acid on
>      Clarke’s Level Cells,”  *Annals of Immunology* 14:3, pp. 78-84,
> June, 1978.
> Teifer, L. & Herschkowitz, S. Nutritional Aspects of Sexual Behavior, *
> Nutritionist*,
>      18:12, pp. 2-6, April, 1978.
> Herschkowitz, S. & Kahn, C., Toward a Psychoanalytic View of Family
> Systems,
>      *The Psychoanalytic Review*, 67:45-68, 1980.
> Goldberger, M., Herschkowitz, S. et al, Teaching Analytic Candidates Using
> a Taped
>      Audio Analysis, *Psychoanalytic Quarterly*, April, 1993.
> Herschkowitz, S., "On Analyzability" (recently submitted)  (2006)
> * *
> Herschkowitz, S. “glossary terms” (partial) in *Textbook of Psychoanalysis
> *, ed. Person,
>     Cooper and Gabbard, (2004)
> Herschkowitz, S.  Book review of A Spirit of Inquiry by Lichtenberg et al
>      JAPA 53:1 pp. 306-309, 2005.
> *2.  Non-refereed Publication:***
> Herschkowitz, S. Transsexual Etiology, *J. of Legal Medicine*, 5:27-29,
> July, 1977.
> Herschkowitz, S., Language, Psychoanalysis and Computer Technology, *
> Downstate*
>      *Bulletin*, 16:2-5, April, 1978.
> Herschkowitz, S., reporter on Weinshel, E.M., On Inconsolability, *The
> PANY Bulletin*,
>      June, 1982.
> Herschkowitz, S., reporter on Weich, H., Language as Fetish, *The PANY
> Bulletin*, July, 1990.
> *3. Scientific Papers Presented:*
> “Differential Diagnosis in the Evolution of Gender Dysphoria.”
>      Medical Grand Rounds, Downstate Medical Center, May, 17, 1990.
> “A Case of Female Transsexualism,”  Eastern Conference for Sexual Therapy,
>      Plaza Hotel, New York City, March 5, 1987.
> “Developmental Aspects of Male and Female Sexual Identity,”
>      Department of Sociology, The New School, April 26, 1988.
> Discussant:  "The Genesis of Male Homosexuality" (paper by Charles W.
> Socarides)
>      American Psychoanalytic Association, December, 1988.
> “Transsexualism:  Surgical and Psychological Follow-up and Outcomes,”
>      Symposium on Human Sexuality (sponsored by H.E.W.) January 23, 1989.
> “Creative Aspects of Scientific Innovation,” International Conference on
> Biotechnology,
>      Naples, Florida, 1990.
> “Healthcare Technology:  Breakthroughs in the 90’s,” Women’s Economic
> Development
>      Conference, Sheraton Hotel, New York City, May 15, 1991.
> “The Art of Negotiation,”  International Venture Capital Fund Conference,
> Marriott
>      Hotel, Boston, April 23, 1992.
> “Due Diligence Evaluations of Corporate Management:  a Psychological
> Profile Guide,”
>      Smith Barney Management Consulting Conference, March 17, 1994.
> “Can the Deal Work? Evaluation of Management Integrity,” New Businesses &
> Venture
>      Capital:  A 5 week course at the Harvard Business School.  One
> lecture on
>      October 17, 1995.
> “Linguistic Interpretation and Psychoanalytic Interpretation,” Regents
> College, Department Of Psychology, London, September 15, 1996.
> “The Bridge Between Words and Mental Representations,”  University of Sao
> Paulo, Brazil,
>      Department of Psychology, November 12, 2000.
> “The Evolution of Language and Abstract Thinking,”  Stamford University,
> Joint Seminar
>      Department of Psychology and Linguistics, April 7, 2001.
> Moderator,  Scharff  Memorial Lecture, Charles Brenner:  the case
> presentation of
>      Dr. Chapman Atwell. April, 2003
> "On Analyzabiltiy," The Melitta Sperling Award Lecture, PANY, October 27,
> 2003.
> *Psychoanalytic Administrative Activities:*
> * *
> 1.    Director, NYU Psychoanalytic Institute  (“NYUPI“) 2005-2009
> 2.    Chairman, Education Committee, NYUPI, 2001-2005.
> 3.    Chairman, Curriculum Committee , NYUPI, 1994-2001.
> 4.    Member of the Faculty Search Committee, NYUPI, 1998-present.
> 5.   Chairman, Three Institute (NYUPI, Columbia, NYPI) Senior Elective
> Program (1996-     98).
> 6.    Member, Student Progression Committee, NYUPI, 1999-present.
> 7.    Member, Training Analysts’ Selection Committee, 2001-2005.
> 8.    Member, Executive Council of the NYUPI, 1996-present.
> 9.    Member, Admissions Committee of NYUPI, 1996-present.
> 10.    Fellow, BOPS, American Psychoanalytic Association, 2001-present.
> 11.   Reader, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,
> 2002-present.
> 12.  Co-chair, Site Visit Committee 2004,  2003 until site visit in Nov.
> 2004
> 13.  Member, Psychoanalytic Research and Development Fund (“PRDF“)
> 2000-present.
> 14.  Treasurer, Psychoanalytic Research and Development Fund (“PRDF”)
> 2002-present.
> *Psychoanalytic Educational Activities:*
> 1.  Co-chair of Medical School Psychiatric Education, Downstate Medical
> Center (1979-1981):
> 2.  Faculty member at the NYUPI, 1982-present.  The following courses were
> taught:
> A.  Alternate Schools
> B.  Psychopathology I and II.
>             C.  Theory I (early Freud [pre-1923]:  The Project,
> Interpretations of Dreams)
> D.  Theory III (Ego & the Id----Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety)
> E.  Theory IV (post 1930: Anna Freud; Hartmann, Kris & Lowenstein;
> Jacobson, etc.)
> F.   Theory V (modern controversies within analysis)
> G.  Theory VI (Borderline and Narcissism)
> H.  Case Conferences
>             I.  Dream Courses I & II
> 3.  Study Group Chair:  Issues of Self Esteem (PRDF= Psa. Research &
> Development Fund)
> 4.  Member of the following study groups (PRDF):
> A.  Psychoanalytic--Neuroscience (Panksepp/Ostow co-chairs) (2001-ongoing)
> B.  Analysis of the older patient  (Furst, Chair) (2000-2001)
> C.  Affect Regulation (Ostow, Chair)(2002-2003)
> D.  September 11th and it’s aftermath (Nunberg, Chair) (2002-ongoing)
>             E.  Therapeutic Action (H. Blum, chair) 2004-2005
>             F.  Self Esteem Regulation (S. Herschkowitz, Chair)  2003-2005
> 5.  Member of the following study groups:
> A.  9/11 & associated traumatic events (Viola Group--Elisabeth Young
> Breuhl, Chair).
>             B.  NYUPI curriculum revision (Alan Zients, Chair). 1998-2000
> 6.  Mentor, NYUPI Fellowship Program (2000-2002)
> 7.  Supervising and Training Analyst, NYUPI (2000-present).
> 8.  Theory Instructor, NYUPI psychotherapy program (2001).
> 9.  Lecturer (medical students and residents)  NYU Department of
> Psychiatry (1989-present).
> *Highlights of past and present Administrative and Teaching Positions
> Held:*
> Instructor (creative writing)  English Department, Syracuse University
> (1971-1972)
> Instructor (critical thinking)  English Department, Syracuse University
> (1971-1972)
> Coordinator and Lecturer, Medical School Psychiatry Lecture series,
> Downstate Medical
>      Center (1977-1980).   Organized and administered all psychiatric
> lectures at the
>       medical school.
> Curriculum Chairman, NYU Psychoanalytic Institute, 1994-2000.
>      During this time I coordinated major changes in the Institutes
> curriculum.  The emphasis
>      on pathology was eliminated and structural theory and
> conflict/compromise formation
>      was highlighted.  In addition, courses such as methodology, writing,
> critical thinking
>      about theory formulation(s), neurobiology, applied analysis, etc.
> were instituted.
> Student Progression Committee, NYU Psychoanalytic Institute, 2002-present
>     While on this committee, changes were instituted to further encourage
> students to write
>      And think more critically.  Rather than merely “absorb” classical
> theory and technique,
>      Students were encouraged to write and think critically about their
> craft.  The attempt
>      Here was to shift the paradigm of an analytic school from the concept
> of a trade school
>      To the concept of an expanding set of classical cornerstones that
> could be creatively
>      used, written about and explored.
> Education Chairman, NYU Psychoanalytic Institute, 2002-2005
>   While chair of the EC, I continue to emphasize writing and critical
> thinking as a means to
>    understanding classical theory and the various outcroppgs of these
> foundational
>     foundational theories.  Writing workshops and entire courses devoted
> to writing
>     are now in place and cornerstone within the NYUPI curriculum.
> Director of the NYU Psychoanalytic Institute, 2005-2009
>     Administration and coordination of all Institute activities.  I
> promoted the concept of
>     TA reciprocity between the Columbia, New York
> Psychoanalytic  Institute and   NYUPI.  This allowed all three New York
> Institutes to
>      provide potential applicants the ability to remain with their present
> analyst or be
>      treated by an analyst from outside their “educational” Institute
> environment. I’ve initiated the collaboration (and anticipated union) of
> all three child analytic
>      programs in New York City (New York, Columbia and NYUPI).  I have
> changed the
>      manner in which the director is chosen by allowing for full faculty
> participation in that
>      process.  I am in the process of developing a CORST program at NYUPI
> as well
>     as developing outreach analytic programs for third world
> countries.  We facilitate
>     the immigration of potential applicants to the United States for
> training purposes.
>     Most importantly, I promote and continue to promote transparent
> faculty collaboration.
>     For example, committee meeting minutes (EC, curriculum, etc.) are now
> circulated to
>     The faculty.  During my administration, the Institute has increased
> candidate inclusion     on committees.  We have also developed the first
> led candidate journal.  The Journal
>     will soon publish its first online issue.
> Yvette J. Alberdingk Thijm
> Executive Director
> 80 Hanson Place
> Brooklyn, NY 11217
> phone: + 1(718) 783 2271
> europe: +31 619031122
> mobile: + 1 (347) 210 0152
> skype: yvette-a or witnessyvette
> email: yvette at witness.org
> twitter: @yvettethijm, @witnessorg, #video4change
> blog: blog.witness.org
> When elephants fight, the grass suffers
> Young people across the U.S. are taking action against climate change.
> By supporting WITNESS, you're supporting these youth. Please donate today:
> witness.org/donate
> On Jan 13, 2013, at 7:00 AM, Joshua Cohen <jcohen57 at stanford.edu> wrote:
> griffin....thanks for that moving message....I am really glad that you are
> still with us.
> though I do not suffer from depression, I have seen the grim, suffocating
> pain very close up ... my father and others in family. I wish on everyone
> your epiphany: that we all deserve better than that.
> warmly,
> Josh Cohen
> On Jan 13, 2013, at 3:49 AM, Griffin Boyce <griffinboyce at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
>   It's hard to write about one's own experience with depression and
> suicide in the wake of someone's passing.  Not just for the intense
> feelings involved, but also no one wants to direct attention away from the
> person who has died.
>   As some of you mention, the fear of losing respect or "becoming a
> liability" is very real.  It leads people to close off entirely, to hide
> away, to conceal their feelings behind smiles.[3]  This is the case within
> tech and in other communities as well.  It's a very tricky problem.  Much
> harder to spot when someone's having trouble if they live five hundred
> miles away and only communicate with you online.
>   In the past two-and-a-half years, I've lost three friends to suicide.
> Two were academics. Two were transgender. One was a member of the tech
> community. In light of everything that has happened, I feel the need to
> emphasize that people are not alone by talking about my experiences.
>   I've struggled with depression for most of my life. After having a
> fairly stable level of depression for a long time, I had a sudden downturn
> in late 2011. In December 2011, I planned to kill myself by jumping off a
> local bridge.[1] In the days leading up to the 8th, I cleaned and tried to
> get things into some semblance of order. A steely calm overcame me, and I
> closed years-old accounts without emotion.
>   I'd just moved to Philadelphia and my close friends were all far away.
> My spot on a waiting list for a trans-friendly therapist had just
> disappeared -- meaning another 3-6 months of waiting without help.  Suicide
> was not something that I wanted to do, but rather something that seemed
> like an inevitability. In my grief, I could not see that there would be a
> resolution that didn't include my death.
>   When I think back to my beginnings in coding and the internet, what led
> me to the interest was depression and a sharp sense of alienation.  After
> serious trauma and suicide attempts, I started to find a community of
> similar interests online in 1999.  At this point, I have very close friends
> in the tech community, but I did not feel very comfortable talking about
> the intense feelings that I was having.
>   In the end, I did not kill myself (spoiler alert). So what changed?
> Well, not a lot. But also, a lot. As a parting shot, I had agreed to give
> an interview to a journalist.[2] The interview went *incredibly* badly,
> causing the epiphany that I deserved to be treated better. It wasn't that
> simple, and it wasn't easy, but that was the catalyst that probably saved
> my life.
>   Getting help was not easy. The first medication I tried sent my
> cognition to zero and it took until March 2012 to finally see a therapist.
> It was still difficult. There are specific issues that impact the tech
> community. Busy is not the new happy.  At times it felt like a death march,
> but for me it felt like the alternative was death -- and we all deserve
> better than that.
> All the best,
> Griffin Boyce
> [1] It's this one, for the morbidly curious:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_Street_Bridge_(Philadelphia)
> [2] People who know me well will find that amusing, as I'd pretty much
> rather be covered in honey and set upon an anthill than talk about myself
> in print.
> [3] The day after, I went to a museum with a friend. She had no idea. In
> fact, I had to send her an email tonight because she *still* has no idea
> but subscribes to libtech.
> --
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> and a pink necktie? Not much."
> ~Sherman Alexie
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