[liberationtech] Tragic News: Aaron Swartz commits suicide

Joshua Cohen jcohen57 at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 13 04:00:57 PST 2013

griffin....thanks for that moving message....I am really glad that you are still with us.

though I do not suffer from depression, I have seen the grim, suffocating pain very close up ... my father and others in family. I wish on everyone your epiphany: that we all deserve better than that.


Josh Cohen

On Jan 13, 2013, at 3:49 AM, Griffin Boyce <griffinboyce at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
>   It's hard to write about one's own experience with depression and suicide in the wake of someone's passing.  Not just for the intense feelings involved, but also no one wants to direct attention away from the person who has died.  
>   As some of you mention, the fear of losing respect or "becoming a liability" is very real.  It leads people to close off entirely, to hide away, to conceal their feelings behind smiles.[3]  This is the case within tech and in other communities as well.  It's a very tricky problem.  Much harder to spot when someone's having trouble if they live five hundred miles away and only communicate with you online.
>   In the past two-and-a-half years, I've lost three friends to suicide. Two were academics. Two were transgender. One was a member of the tech community. In light of everything that has happened, I feel the need to emphasize that people are not alone by talking about my experiences.
>   I've struggled with depression for most of my life. After having a fairly stable level of depression for a long time, I had a sudden downturn in late 2011. In December 2011, I planned to kill myself by jumping off a local bridge.[1] In the days leading up to the 8th, I cleaned and tried to get things into some semblance of order. A steely calm overcame me, and I closed years-old accounts without emotion.
>   I'd just moved to Philadelphia and my close friends were all far away. My spot on a waiting list for a trans-friendly therapist had just disappeared -- meaning another 3-6 months of waiting without help.  Suicide was not something that I wanted to do, but rather something that seemed like an inevitability. In my grief, I could not see that there would be a resolution that didn't include my death.  
>   When I think back to my beginnings in coding and the internet, what led me to the interest was depression and a sharp sense of alienation.  After serious trauma and suicide attempts, I started to find a community of similar interests online in 1999.  At this point, I have very close friends in the tech community, but I did not feel very comfortable talking about the intense feelings that I was having.
>   In the end, I did not kill myself (spoiler alert). So what changed? Well, not a lot. But also, a lot. As a parting shot, I had agreed to give an interview to a journalist.[2] The interview went *incredibly* badly, causing the epiphany that I deserved to be treated better. It wasn't that simple, and it wasn't easy, but that was the catalyst that probably saved my life.
>   Getting help was not easy. The first medication I tried sent my cognition to zero and it took until March 2012 to finally see a therapist. It was still difficult. There are specific issues that impact the tech community. Busy is not the new happy.  At times it felt like a death march, but for me it felt like the alternative was death -- and we all deserve better than that.
> All the best,
> Griffin Boyce
> [1] It's this one, for the morbidly curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_Street_Bridge_(Philadelphia)
> [2] People who know me well will find that amusing, as I'd pretty much rather be covered in honey and set upon an anthill than talk about myself in print. 
> [3] The day after, I went to a museum with a friend. She had no idea. In fact, I had to send her an email tonight because she *still* has no idea but subscribes to libtech.
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