[liberationtech] Sharing children's lives online?

Scott Elcomb psema4 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 19:32:34 PST 2013

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv> wrote:
> Perhaps this is not the right forum, but I happen to believe it is. If we
> care to discuss liberation tech, we ought to discuss the liberation of those
> who have little or no capacity to choose for themselves, yes?

I hope so.

> What's concerning me today is a decision by my daughter's preschool. They
> blog daily with photos and narrative stories about the kids day st school.
> Previously, though technically "public" the blog was not indexed and very
> difficult(impossible?) to find without the direct link.

Security through obscurity.

> Is this kind of daily blogging of a preschoolers life not a bit frightening?

Disturbing I'd say.

> Any advice from other colleagues, parents or otherwise, would be greatly
> appreciated. Though I might have answers for activists and civilians
> threatened with death or worse, this situation leaves me at a loss as to how
> I should respond.

Beyond learning about privacy legislation in your jurisdiction
(particularly photography & children's privacy), have you voiced your
concerns to the preschool?

I'd be surprised to hear the blog is not a marketing vehicle, in which
case they're putting their image above the security of the children...
On today's internet, I could see a PR nightmare based on that.  To
avoid potential misunderstandings it's best (IMHO) to discuss the
matter with them first - perhaps they don't understand (or see) the

  Scott Elcomb
  @psema4 on Twitter / Identi.ca / Github & more

  Atomic OS: Self Contained Microsystems

  Member of the Pirate Party of Canada

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