[liberationtech] Packaging the alternatives to Dropbox &C, was: Safe app like Dropbox?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Tue Jan 8 13:21:15 PST 2013

On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 12:21:52 PM +0100, Julian Oliver wrote:

> Server administration is a tremendously empowering skill to
> have. A self-run server becomes its own commons; a campfire for
> friends, family and those trusted. More importantly it is
> regionalised culturally and infrastructurally - often right down to
> the wire for communities in the same geographic area.
> Services like DropBox stress infrastructure, resulting in the
> building of more singularly controlled 'main roads' on the Internet
> while affirming market logics that favour service centralisation.

The discussion about dropbox prompted me to translate a proposal that
I published in Italian just last week, based on the same concepts
mentioned by Julian above. The translation is here:


and feedback is very welcome!

Marco Fioretti

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