[liberationtech] Draft checklist for choosing tools

Mark Belinsky mark.belinsky at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 12:28:20 PST 2013

It's really great to see this conversation starting! We here at the Guardian
Project <https://guardianproject.info/> are working on exactly this. And it
would be great for us to work together to produce something even more

Recent discussions have brought about what's been deemed the "*Open
Integrity Index <http://weatherrepo.com/>*" - an evolving set of standards
for apps to review their privacy and security. You'll see much of Lavabit's
initial email and thoughtful approach reflected in this Index. And we've
put together the Open App Store coalition to get people who are interested
in better app stores around the table to discuss how we might thoughtfully
tackle security and privacy in a comprehensive manner. Please contact me if
you'd like to be added to the coalition thread.

A question we have that I'd love to pose to this group is: *what
apps/software we should include in our initial research*? If you are an app
maker or want to see exactly how we're breaking down the Open Integrity
Index, please visit http://weatherrepo.com/ . Thanks so much!

All the Best,

@mbelinsky <https://twitter.com/mbelinsky> |
markbelinsky.com<https://markbelinsky.com>| phone:
+1-347-466-9327 | skype: markontheline

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Jon Gosier <jon at appfrica.com> wrote:

> Bob,
> This is a great list.  My organization, Abayima, would be happy to help
> maintain it in a public forum: either on a wiki, or gDoc, or a text
> document housed in a Git repo, or something else entirely.
> It seems like there're three conversations the list is having. One
> regarding what this checklist should be, what tools such a list might
> recommend, and another regarding how best to relate the information to
> users (who may or may not be technical).
> Jon
> abayima.com
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 1:18 AM, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) <
> lists at infosecurity.ch> wrote:
>> With such kind of "checklist" it would be nice to create:
>> - an inventory of existing tools with related capabilities
>> - a wizard (even a purely javascript one) that let the user choose and
>> at the end does provide a report
>> It's not a small task, but it maybe wonderful to have a software to
>> choose a software.
>> Fabio
>> On 1/4/13 3:04 AM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
>> > I think that is a wonderful checklist! Perhaps also add:
>> >
>> > * Make sure tool has been audited and that the audit results have been
>> > published,
>> > * Take into consideration the accessibility of the tool to potential
>> > third parties that may need it.
>> >
>> > Sorry if any of the above points have already been mentioned.
>> >
>> >
>> > NK
>> >
>> --
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> --
> Jon Gosier
> Founder, Appfrica
> Work: (202) 470-2652
> Mobile: (520) 301-7906
> Appfrica.com <http://appfrica.com> | @appfrica<http://twitter.com/appfrica>
>  | Bio <http://jongosier.com/bio>
> *TED Senior Fellow Alum*
> --
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