[liberationtech] Update on the Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress
Gregory Foster
gfoster at entersection.org
Fri Jan 4 19:57:50 PST 2013
Library of Congress Blog (Jan 4) - "Update on the Twitter Archive at the
Library of Congress":
Five-page whitepaper mentioned at end of pretty remarkable blog.
Library of Congress (Jan 2013) - "Update on the Twitter Archive At the
Library of Congress":
> In April, 2010, the Library of Congress and Twitter signed an
> agreement providing the
> Library the public tweets from the company’s inception through the
> date of the
> agreement, an archive of tweets from 2006 through April, 2010.
> Additionally, the Library
> and Twitter agreed that Twitter would provide all public tweets on an
> ongoing basis
> under the same terms. The Library’s first objectives were to acquire
> and preserve the
> 2006-10 archive; to establish a secure, sustainable process for
> receiving and preserving a
> daily, ongoing stream of tweets through the present day; and to create
> a structure for
> organizing the entire archive by date. This month, all those
> objectives will be completed.
> To date, the Library has an archive of approximately 170 billion tweets.
> The Library’s focus now is on confronting and working around the
> technology challenges
> to making the archive accessible to researchers and policymakers in a
> comprehensive,
> useful way. It is clear that technology to allow for scholarship
> access to large data sets is
> lagging behind technology for creating and distributing such data.
> Even the private sector
> has not yet implemented cost-effective commercial solutions because of
> the complexity
> and resource requirements of such a task. The Library is now pursuing
> partnerships with
> the private sector to allow some limited access capability in our
> reading rooms. These
> efforts are ongoing and a priority for the Library.
> This document summarizes the Library’s work to date and outlines
> present-day progress
> and challenges.
Gregory Foster || gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> http://entersection.com/
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