[liberationtech] Jacob Appelbaum's 29C3 keynote

André Rebentisch tabesin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 12:20:16 PST 2013

Am 01.01.2013 01:09, schrieb Bishop Zareh:
> I also really enjoyed gonggri's follow up blog post:  "We are all
> German now", http://rop.gonggri.jp/?p=66
> as if to say, someday we will all feel the guilt of our unavoidable
> culpability in this societal shift.

Look, to open the eyes a bit, the EU privacy laws are currently
undergoing reforms:
DPR proposal

DPD proposal

See EDRI's impressive site: http://protectmydata.eu/

It is easier to amend the law than to wait for constitutional courts.
EDRI alone proposed 186 amendments to the DPR proposal.  Ideally the
whole EU will be brought in line with German data protection standards
or even more advanced. The EU is able to create a legal gravitation
field for third nations.

DPR dl for tabling amendments in the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE):
27 Feb 2013 12h

See also the 29C3 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldHNrVGI9OY


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