[liberationtech] Designing the best network infrastructure for a.Human Rights NGO

anonymous2013 at nym.hush.com anonymous2013 at nym.hush.com
Thu Feb 28 05:08:54 PST 2013

I knew this was coming at some point. Yes I am starting with 
Windows, it's more functional (awaits incoming) and costs less in 
terms of expensive man hours (the hidden cost vs software) for an 
Linux guru to run and monitor the network.

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 13:03:00 +0000 "Bill Woodcock" <woody at pch.net> 
>You want to do this securely, and you're _starting_ with Windows?
>                -Bill
>On Feb 28, 2013, at 7:40, "anonymous2013 at nym.hush.com" 
><anonymous2013 at nym.hush.com> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> We are a human rights NGO that is looking to invest in the best 
>> possible level of network security (protection from high-level 
>> cyber-security threats, changing circumvention/proxy to protect 
>> address etc, encryption on endpoints and server, IDS/Physical 
>> Software Firewall/File Integrity Monitoring, Mobile Device 
>> Management, Honeypots) we can get for a our internal network. I 
>> wondering if people would critique the following network, add 
>> comments, suggestions and alternative methods/pieces of 
>> (Perhaps if it goes well we could make a short paper out of it, 
>> others to use.)
>> -Windows 2012 Server
>> -VMWare virtual machines running Win 8 for remote access
>> -Industry standard hardening and lock down of all OS systems.
>> -Constantly changing proxies
>> -PGP email with BES
>> -Cryptocard tokens
>> -Sophos Enterprise Protection, Encryption and Patch management
>> -Sophos mobile management
>> -Encrypted voice calls for mobile and a more secure alternative 
>> Skype via Silent Circle.
>> -TrueCrypt on all drives - set to close without use after a 
>> specific time
>> -Easily controlled kill commands
>> -False and poison pill files
>> -Snort IDS
>> -Honeypots
>> -Tripwire
>> -Cisco Network Appliance
>> -No wifi
>> -Strong physical protection in a liberal country as regards 
>> rights
>> I know there are many other factors, good training, constant 
>> monitoring, avoiding spearfishing, penetration testing, etc but 
>> possible I would please like to keep the conversation on the 
>> network design and software.
>> Thanks guys.
>> -Anon
>> --
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