[liberationtech] eCitizens.org News Challenge Seeking Teammates

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Feb 26 13:15:46 PST 2013

From: Jerry Hall, eCitizens.org <jerry at ecitizens.org>

Hi guys,

Here's my proposal to develop an openstates.org type platform for local
municipal governments. I hope you'll check it out and leave feedback:* **
http://tinyurl.com/bahew8v *

I'm looking for team members to collaborate with on this project as well.
If you or anyone you know might be interested I'd love to discuss
opportunities. In a recent webinar with the Knight Foundation team they
said they'd consider all levels and types of team-composition.

Thanks much!


*Jerry Hall*
*eCitizens.org <http://ecitizens.org/>*
local government document alerts

*jerry at eCitizens.org*
8583441104 at vtext.com - email me your text message
858-344-1104 cell
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