[liberationtech] // The 'Kill Packet' - feedback wanted //

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Mon Feb 25 11:11:30 PST 2013

..on Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 07:58:20PM +0100, Jens Christian Hillerup wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:37 PM, Julian Oliver <julian at julianoliver.com> wrote:
> > Consider the case one has volatile data on a remote machine that needs to be
> > removed as fast and as discretely as possible. The last thing you want to be
> > doing is whipping out the laptop and logging in via SSH, an SFTP browser etc and
> > manually deleting that data. Rather, it would be more convenient to just hit a
> > single button on your phone or click a single icon that sends a network packet
> > to the server, triggering a script that proceeds to delete your data and/or back
> > it up to another trusted server.
> >
> I think this project is roughly what you're looking for:
> https://github.com/qnrq/panic_bcast

Very nice! I would see this as a companion project as it doesn't quite do the
same thing - it's whole disk focused rather than on deletion of directories
themselves (which could be followed with a reboot cycle and killing the journal
on EXT3/4). 

It doesn't offer a one-time backup routine to another server. It also still
requires requesting an http://mysite.com:8080/panic address rather than a button
or swipe method on a phone with an ougoing packet on an arbitrary port:

"Decentralized opsec panic button operating over UDP broadcasts and HTTP.
Provides automatic ejection of encrypted drives as a safe-measure against
cold-boot attacks."

"To trigger the panic signal over HTTP simply request http://...:8080/panic from
a machine that is running panic_bcast. Which ever will do."

Nonetheless, this is going on my server!


Julian Oliver

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