[liberationtech] Thoughts on expansion of WeChat in the U.S.?

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Mon Feb 25 09:32:52 PST 2013

..on Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 03:26:16PM +0000, Han, Shelly wrote:
> Would be interested in your thoughts on what the expansion of Chinese internet tools to U.S. consumers mean for the user’s privacy? Other issues?
> (The article calls it “WeiChat” but that seems to be a direct translation. It is marketed in English as “WeChat”.)

Just as scary from my perspective as Facebook expanding into the German cultural
sphere (where I live). As I said in last post, these platforms become
backdoors/monitoring stations for the interests of governments that we did not

Traveling around Asia and Asia Pacific (where I'm from) you'll find many people
that distrust China no more than they do U.S. The U.S military presence in the
Pacific right now is turning many sour. China is looked upon by some as a
protector in the region.


Julian Oliver

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