[liberationtech] CNN writer on leaving Facebook

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Mon Feb 25 09:28:17 PST 2013

..on Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 03:52:14PM +0100, Petter Ericson wrote:
> Greetings,
> Though I imagine that the facebook use is significantly lower (and more
> judicious) among the libtech users than among a more generic tech-savvy
> population, this essay makes a rather good case on why quitting facebook
> entirely is the proper thing to do at some point - sooner rather than
> later.

He has a good reasoning. Facebook mines the basic human fear of social
irrelevance and presents itself as the only cure. In this way it's a perfect
product, akin to heroin. This 'HTML for human relationships' felt brilliant at
first but now the rot's kicking in. People are feeling the social oxide and are
starting to see they are being farmed for metrics under a cold gaze of corporate
interest. It's also a backdoor for state interests (U.S in particular).

Glad I never joined.




Julian Oliver

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