[liberationtech] Internships available at leading Palo Alto tech startup

Mark Nelson markmnelson at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 07:03:56 PST 2013

Actually Jurre I think I disagree.

It seems to me a company using the social graph to do "predictive
behavioral analytics" for clients who are "major Fortune 500 retailers" has
EVERYTHING to do with liberation technology.

When companies who know more about you than you know about yourself can use
data science, add some behavior design, and scale it up with persuasive
technology, all to make you

a) buy more of their crap, and (more importantly)

b) work for them for free (I'm _not_ talking about 3 month internships here

then I think we are squarely in the domain of taking powerful technologies
that could be used for good, and applying them in ways that constrain
liberty so fundamentally that people willingly, happily, and
unknowingly enslave themselves.

This is very different from my idea of a more liberated future, so
personally I'd like to thank Hamdan for bringing it to our attention.

PS. We're we all upset when the Guardian broke the story on RIOT from
Raytheon? I must have missed that.



On Friday, February 22, 2013, Jurre andmore wrote:

> Not only is it spam, it has nothing to do with liberation technology,
> it's not even free and opensource technology, I thought this list
> would speak out against fascist companies like the one Hamdan Azhar is
> working for. But this appears to not be the case.
> We we're all outraged when the Guardian broke the story on RIOT from
> Raytheon[1] but nobody is speaking out against this one? So much for
> liberation technology huh!
> [1]
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/10/software-tracks-social-media-defence
> 2013/2/22 Hamdan Azhar <hamdan.azhar at gmail.com <javascript:;>>:
> > Please forward widely!
> >
> > ---
> >
> > GraphScience - a Palo Alto based venture-backed startup focusing on
> > predictive behavioral analytics in social networks - is offering
> internships
> > for college students and recent graduates. Interns will play a valuable
> role
> > in building the leading social advertising platform on Facebook.
> >
> > Our clients are major Fortune 500 retailers and we're looking for quirky,
> > creative, self-motivated individuals who would thrive in a fast-paced
> > environment. Internships are unpaid and last for at least 3 months.
> >
> > Interested? Email us your resume, your favorite ice cream flavor, and the
> > name of the last book you read.
> >
> > CONTACT: Hamdan Azhar, Lead Data Scientist, hamdan at graphscience.com<javascript:;>
> >
> > --
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> --
> With kind regards,
> Jurre van Bergen
> --
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