[liberationtech] "Rebooting Government" course at Stanford University

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Feb 20 21:21:32 PST 2013

From: Jeremy Weinstein <jweinst at stanford.edu>


[image: Inline image 1]

Join a passionate group of faculty and students inspired by the potential
for human-centered design, alongside new technologies, to transform the
public sector.  Together, we’ll explore citizens’ needs and governments’
capabilities to spur creative ideas about how to make government more
efficient, empower people to have a say in how they are governed, and hold
those in power accountable for what they deliver.  Student teams will work
intensively on concrete design projects with two unique partners: a civil
society activist in Sierra Leone and a local municipal government.
 Need-finding work in the local communities will be essential and students
have the opportunity to travel to Sierra Leone over spring break. Students
of all disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to apply; exceptional
undergraduates will be considered. Apply for *Rebooting Government with
Design Thinking* at http://bit.ly/RebootingGovtApp.****
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