[liberationtech] Let's make rooting phones a crime

Dan Auerbach dan at eff.org
Wed Feb 20 15:41:07 PST 2013

A quick point of clarification: rooting/jailbreaking your phone is
indeed legal thanks to a DMCA exemption that was recently won. Unlocking
your phone is a different matter. This blog post lays it out:


On 02/20/2013 03:30 PM, Cooper Quintin wrote:
> Forward from the guardian project listserve:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Oh wait, it already is! Thanks to new DMCA regulations.
> If we get 100,000 petitions on the White House petition site, Obama has
> to make a statement about this issue. The good news is that *there are
> already 88,457 signatures*! The bad news is that *there are only a few
> days left *to reach the goal.
> YOU can take a stand against making rooting phones a crime. Register and
> sign the petition here - http://wh.gov/yA9n. I mean, you want to be
> more like *Vint Cerf* and *JP Barlow*, right? Well they're on board
> <http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/02/mobile-unlocking-petition/>.
> For more details, check out this article in the Atlantic
> <http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/01/the-most-ridiculous-law-of-2013-so-far-it-is-now-a-crime-to-unlock-your-smartphone/272552/>
> At Guardian Project we seek to ensure that everyone is as secure and
> private as they want to be when using their phones. Attempts at
> installing cops in our phones are a disservice to human rights the world
> over. Thanks for listening and doing your part.
> In solidarity,-
> Mark
> P.S. You're at the bottom and haven't signed yet? Click here to get to
> 100,000 <http://wh.gov/yA9n>!
> --_
> @mbelinsky <https://twitter.com/mbelinsky>| guardianproject.info
> <https://guardianproject.info/>| phone: +1-347-466-9327| ostel: 1003 __|
> pgp: 0xEFBFA7278D8EFFDA
> <http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xEFBFA7278D8EFFDA>_
> --
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Dan Auerbach
Staff Technologist
Electronic Frontier Foundation
dan at eff.org
415 436 9333 x134

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