[liberationtech] Cryptocat is Hiring: Looking for mpOTR developers

Nadim Kobeissi nadim at nadim.cc
Fri Feb 15 16:49:52 PST 2013

Cryptocat Development Blog post:

We’re pleased to announce that Cryptocat is looking to hire an mpOTR
developer to work full-time on the development of an mpOTR specification,
based on Dr. Ian Goldberg’s
 and the notes we have so far <https://github.com/cryptocat/mpotr>.

mpOTR will be the first multi-party version of Off-the-Record messaging —
it will benefit not only the Cryptocat project but will create a world
standard that can be used by projects everywhere.

What we’re looking for:

   - Expertise in cryptography specification writing and engineering,
   - Experience with the development and implementation of cryptographic
   messaging protocols.

The requirements are few but set a high standard. Please contact
nadim at crypto.cat if you would like to apply. We’re looking forward to
hearing from you!

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