[liberationtech] Understanding the Pax Technica: Social Media, Big Data, and the New Rules of Global Power Politics

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Feb 14 13:32:30 PST 2013

Just a reminder of Phil Howard's great liberationtech seminar today.  If
you can't attend the seminar, definitely follow him on Twiter for some
great posts on digital activism and Internet freedom:


Understanding the Pax Technica: Social Media, Big Data, and the New Rules
of Global Power Politics
*Program on Liberation Technology Seminar Series*

February 14, 2013
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Open to the public
No RSVP required

*Philip Howard* - Fellow, Professor (on leave UW Seattle) at Princeton

Each week brings new stories of how people use digital media to break the
rules of political power. Or more accurately, each week brings new stories
about how people have used digital media to upset powerful elites, demand
political freedoms, and look for justice. Activists armed only with mobile
phones take breathtaking risks because they feel empowered by the
supporting social networks they have been able to build and nurture for
themselves. Yet sometimes digital media also gets used for evil, and we
find drug lords, holy thugs, and rogue generals using the latest
information technologies to oppress the communities they rule. So how do we
add up the impact of such technologies on international politics? If
digital media is so important to revolutionaries, dictators and corporate
interests around the world, what are the new rules of engagement in global
power politics? We are entering a period of global political life I call
the Pax Technica that is made possible because of new information
technologies. This peace is not so much the absence of war but the presence
of transparent governments, empowered citizens, open information systems,
and shared norms of information access. Governments don’t always want to be
opened up for scrutiny, and activists don’t always use social media very
well. But it is clear that the rules of global power politics have changed.

*Philip N. Howard* is professor of communication, information and
international studies at the University of
Currently, he is a fellow at Princeton University's Center for Information
Technology Policy <http://citp.princeton.edu/>. His latest book is Democracy’s
Fourth Wave? Digital Media and the Arab
His writings appear at http://philhoward.org and tweets from

Wallenberg Theater
Wallenberg Hall
450 Serra Mall, Building 160
Stanford, Ca 94305-2055
» Directions/Map<http://cddrl.stanford.edu/events/understanding_the_pax_technica_social_media_big_data_and_the_new_rules_of_global_power_politics/>
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