[liberationtech] Good examples of software documentation?

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 03:13:47 PST 2013

As a user, I prefer text with screenshots.  As a coder, I'm okay with just
text.  Video is good for showing off the finished product, but not as good
for showing how to implement something. (It's a bit of an amusing problem
where someone will youtube a solution to a really common problem. :D So
everyone sits there staring at a small-resolution video trying to work it


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:20 AM, adrelanos <adrelanos at riseup.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> since I want to write good documentation for my own project, I thought
> it may be worth checking how other projects did.
> Which project/documentation do you personally enjoy? Bonus points for
> anonymity/privacy/security related projects.
> Which medium is preferred? Text, text with lots of screenshots, videos?
> Or are there any usability studies what people actually do read and
> understand?
> Cheers,
> adrelanos
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