[liberationtech] [Freedombox-discuss] Happy Creepy February!

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Sun Feb 10 12:39:31 PST 2013

On 10/02/13 20:47, Nick M. Daly wrote:

> In developing this product, Raytheon seems to make two fundamentally
> flawed assumptions:
> 1. That people never make invalid interpretations of the data.  Read up
>    on Type I errors for the details:
>        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_I_and_type_II_errors

I just wrote a blog the other day giving some concrete examples of these
types of `errors' happening as a consequence of electronic surveillance
in Australia:


Now that they've identified a doctor and a pregnant women as `security
threats', what next?  Maybe some nuns?

Just don't look forward to the day when they start feeding this
`intelligence' into their drones and putting them on auto-pilot.

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