[liberationtech] Guidelines For Emergency Revolution Technology Deployment?

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Sat Feb 9 22:20:43 PST 2013

+1 to Nathan's comments.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 9, 2013, at 21:50, Nathan of Guardian <nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:

>> I don't know if something like this already exists, or if this is
>> something that should be created, but I think something like this
>> should be made and drawn up if something like this hasn't been done
>> yet.
> There are many guides and training materials out there - see the CryptoParty handbook, work by Tactical Tech, EFF, AccessNow, MobileActive, TibetAction.net and others. There also specialized guides for journalists, produced by groups like SmallWorldNews. These are available in many languages and formats.
> However the point I wanted to make is that if people wait until emergencies to learn how to use the tools available, it is already too late. It is a bit like trying to learn CPR after has been pulled put of swimming pool unconscious. 
> We (The Guardian Project) want to encourage people to use the tools/apps/services we and others develop in day to day life, starting today. That is the best way to prepare for an emergency situation.
> Checkout https://guardianproject.info/apps to start.
> +n
> --
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