[liberationtech] White House Petition - Deny Visas to Censors

André Rebentisch tabesin at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 16:26:57 PST 2013

Am 10.02.2013 00:18, schrieb Shava Nerad:
> There are better ways to restrict trade than limiting visa issues --
> but I think the intent was to put the power of restricting this into
> the hands of the State Department who might be assumed by the
> originator to be more sympathetic than the Department of Commerce,
> say, or Congress.

It says "visum" but what they mean is "admission". The category "anyone
working to advance internet censorship" is not specific enough for legal
purposes. Also infringes the basic principles under Article 2 UDHR, in
particular when you consider that US citizens enjoy the liberty to
"advance internet censorship" as they desire.

--- A

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