[liberationtech] Cryptography super-group creates unbreakable encryption

Rich Kulawiec rsk at gsp.org
Thu Feb 7 10:08:43 PST 2013

Alchemy is to chemistry, astrology is to astronomy, as closed-source
is to open source.

Closed-source is intellectual fraud.  It is the equivalent of an academic
paper which has a synopsis and conclusions -- but nothing else.  No honest
reviewer would ever approve such tripe for publication in a refereed
journal of mechanical engineering or physics or medicine...yet we, in
computer science, are expected to do the equivalent.  We're actually
expected to take someone's word that their code does what they say it
does -- even though we have a mountain of evidence stretching back to the
beginning of our field that says it's NEVER been true, even when the
code's written by people who are smart/experienced/honest/diligent/etc.

Not even Stephen Hawking gets his papers published without showing
his data/reasoning/work/etc.  As it should be.

So yes, my response to this is "source or GTFO".  Extraordinary claims
require extraordinary proof and in this case, there is none.


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