[liberationtech] Chromebooks for Risky Situations?

Nadim Kobeissi nadim at nadim.cc
Thu Feb 7 08:33:12 PST 2013

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net> wrote:

> Most of arguments I've heard here boil down to privileged wealthy people
> complaining that learning and mutual aid or solidarity is simply too
> hard. The worst is when people who train people in risky situations make
> those kinds of statements.
> It's frankly, really and seriously embarrassing.


> All the best,
> Jake
> > On Feb 6, 2013 7:09 PM, "micah anderson" <micah at riseup.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Andy Isaacson <adi at hexapodia.org> writes:
> >>
> >>> On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 10:52:23AM -0500, micah anderson wrote:
> >>>>> - ChromeOS's update mechanism is automatic, transparent, and
> basically
> >>>>> foolproof.  Having bricked Ubuntu and Gentoo systems, the same is not
> >>>>> true of Linux.
> >>>>
> >>>> I would be surprised if you actually 'bricked' these systems, since
> >>>> neither operating system you mention involves a procedure that has the
> >>>> risk of bricking a device. I suspect this is hyperbole?
> >>>
> >>> I've had dist-upgrade (or the GUI equivalent) make an Ubuntu system
> >>> unbootable and unrecoverable without recourse to a rescue-image and
> deep
> >>> magic grub hacking, etc.  That counts as "bricked" when the easiest
> >>> course of action is to simply reinstall the OS from scratch.  It's not
> >>> "bricked" in the sense that an Android install gone awry can require
> >>> specialized hardware (JTAG dongle etc) and crypto keys to fix, but it's
> >>> equivalent from a user's point of view.
> >>
> >> I understand where you are going with this, but when it comes to
> >> terminology, I think it serves to confuse the issue to misuse the term
> >> 'brick'. You cannot, as you say, "simply reinstall the OS from scratch"
> >> on a device that has been bricked.
> >>
> >> I can't wait for the day when Google accidentally pushes an update out
> >> that actually bricks their devices, because when that happens, there is
> >> no way to "simply reinstall the OS from scratch".
> >> --
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> >
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