[liberationtech] Wickr app aims to safeguard online privacy

Nadim Kobeissi nadim at nadim.cc
Tue Feb 5 13:19:25 PST 2013

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:

> Just to clarify, are you suggesting such a feature would put the users at
> *greater* threat?

No: As mentioned in my previous email, I'm trying to point out that when
features like this are introduced, it's definitely true that they may have
positive benefits: But they also may shift the threat into a different
situation, and may even interfere with the process of classifying and
prioritizing threats.

> in my experience simply using CryptoTool™ puts you at risk of
> interrogation, torture, prison in certain countries. It seems that such a
> feature would mitigate. On the other hand, it seems like splitting hairs,
> until research is done, to suggest such a feature would be better than
> simply keeping all messages encrypted at rest.

Agreed, and research is the best way I can think of to get answers on this.
Until the research is done, by all means feel free to implement
self-destruct features. But don't let such features distract from threat
priorities and from the notion that they themselves may shift the threat

Once we are talking about rubber hose decryption methods, I think we've
> kind of already lost, no?

See, that's kind of my point when I talk about how those features distract
from threat priorities. Shouldn't we be worrying about more low-level
things, such as code delivery, side-channel attacks and so on? (These are
just random examples.)

> B
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Nadim Kobeissi <nadim at nadim.cc> wrote:
>> NK
>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:
>>> In this case, self-destruct would potentially save Joe and Susan from
>>> the "fool" Billy's lazy security culture.
>> In this kind of scenario, adding a self-destruct feature would definitely
>> be useful in preventing communications from leaking through certain vectors
>> after the messages have served their purpose.
>> However, they also shift the threat. If Authoritarianstan police know
>> that CryptoToolX deletes messages after a while, they are likely to feel
>> more justified in further interrogating the suspect, knowing that if the
>> messages aren't there now, it's likely that they were there earlier.
>> It's hard to discuss those features not because they aren't cool and
>> useful (they are!) but because they make it difficult to maintain a sense
>> of priority. Measuring how a feature will help, how it'll change the threat
>> and whether it will eclipse attention from greater threats and concerns is
>> kind of trick AFAICT.
>>> Certainly this is not a be all and and all, but does seem like a
>>> potentially valuable feature based on my own broad observation of "fools"
>>> amongst many activist and journalist groups.
>>> Brian
>>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net>wrote:
>>>> Brian Conley:
>>>> > Apparently Silent Circle is also proposing such a feature now.
>>>> Such a feature makes sense when we consider the pervasive world of
>>>> targeted attacks. If you compromise say, my email client today, you may
>>>> get years of email. If you compromise my Pond client today, you get a
>>>> weeks worth of messages. Such a feature is something I think is useful
>>>> and I agreed to it when I started using Pond. It is a kind of forward
>>>> secrecy that understands that attackers sometimes win but you'd like
>>>> them to not win everything for all time.
>>>> Seems rather reasonable, really. Hardly malware but hardly perfect.
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Jake
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>>> Brian Conley
>>> Director, Small World News
>>> http://smallworldnews.tv
>>> m: 646.285.2046
>>> Skype: brianjoelconley
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> --
> Brian Conley
> Director, Small World News
> http://smallworldnews.tv
> m: 646.285.2046
> Skype: brianjoelconley
> --
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