[liberationtech] digital to analog: Syria radio help needed

Jon Gosier jon at abayima.com
Mon Feb 4 11:01:10 PST 2013

For what it's worth, my team at Abayima is working on solutions here in the
form of sneakernet and short-range ad-hoc communications.  The Sneakernet
aspect works right now and we're more than happy to work with your team,
assuming you have access to people in Syria. Obviously  this method most
useful if you're targeting people who have mobile phones, but who likely
don't have access to computers, much-less the internet.

That simply allows people to store data to SIMs so that, when input to
another phone, the information on the SIM can be recalled, perhaps,
relevant given the reference to 'sneakernets' elsewhere on the thread.

As for the short-range wireless transmission, the next phase of our project
is to develop solutions in this area that allow feature phones to 'find'
and talk to ad-hoc mobile networks. For now, this feature is only a vision,
but assuming these are the problems you want to solve for the future, we
welcome any any all contributions to help us get there.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Tomasz Rola <rtomek at ceti.pl> wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Feb 2013, Stefan Geens wrote:
> > A Syrian whom I trust and who I've helped with security-related issues
> > before needs some help that I am not qualified to answer, so perhaps
> > somebody on this list knows what to do or where to turn for expert help.
> > I don't want to suggest anything to him that gets (even more) people
> > killed...
> >
> > He writes: ======== I am working now on a radio for Syria that needs to
> > cover Homs governorate, since people there don't have internet or
> > electricity, the only way to reach them is by radio. We are working to
> > establish a FM radio station that covers Homs governorate and all Syria
> > later on, it will be based on an online radio that is streaming from
> > outside Syria and we are looking for the best solution to stream on the
> > ground in Homs. We are looking for the best solution to transmit the
> > digital signal into analogue one. The point is if we want to use a
> > normal transmitter on the ground it will be known for the regime
> > warplanes and it will be destroyed after few minutes. So, what are our
> > options and the details of the best solutions (using inside or outside
> > Syria base)? ======
> >
> > Thanks for any help you may have. I'll forward it to him.
> >
> > Stefan
> If setting up FM transmission proves too hard / unreliable, try
> sneakernet. Not ideal but very hard to kill, provided your authorities
> have any support amongst people.
> Use pendrives / memory cards to distribute audio files. Copy them with
> local laptops or some other capable device. A number of cell phones can
> act as audio player. And mp3players are cheap and rather easy to find. A
> laptop can act as copy hub, people can come and connect their devices to
> get some news, listen to them later.
> A variation of this idea is to transfer audio via phone - if they still
> have old style lines, they are quite reliable AFAIK.
> Another variation is, use wifi spots as local copy-hubs. This would be
> more practical than connecting variety of cables to cell phones.
> Those are just things from the top of my head, HTH. Depending on your
> actual situation you may have to adapt the above ideas until they fit.
> Regards,
> Tomasz Rola
> --
> ** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
> ** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
> ** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
> **                                                                 **
> ** Tomasz Rola          mailto:tomasz_rola at bigfoot.com             **
> --
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Jon Gosier
Founder, Abayima
Mobile: (520) 301-7906
Abayima.com <http://abayima.com/> | @abayima <http://twitter.com/abayima> |
Bio <http://jongosier.com/bio>

*TED Senior Fellow Alum*
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