[liberationtech] Funding announcement: secure technologies for human rights monitoring

Riley, Chris M RileyMC at state.gov
Mon Feb 4 10:14:08 PST 2013

Apropos of some recent conversation on this list, I wanted to let the LibTech community know about a recent funding opportunity announced by the Department of State / Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (aka DRL), targeted to secure technologies for human rights monitoring. The announcement was posted late last week on Grantsolutions.gov and Grants.gov, but for those not tracking funding opportunities night and day with bated breath, here's a direct link:


The PDF version of the announcement, available at the bottom of the above link, contains more information on the solicitation, our expectations, etc. In brief:

*         This announcement, unlike some of our past ones, is straight-to-proposal (many of our announcements seek three-page statements of interest).

*         Maximum proposed DRL contribution to a project budget is $2.3 million (you may have a larger project budget if the rest is coming via external, non-government cost share).

*         Proposals are due 11:30 pm Wednesday, February 27th. Full requirements, formatting, etc. available through the announcement, which links to the November Proposal Submission Instructions, or PSI.

Happy to take procedural and contextual questions, though I won't be able to answer substantive ones (e.g., "Do you think DRL might fund Tool X?") related to an open competition process.


M. Chris Riley, PhD, JD
Office of Global Programs
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL)
US Department of State
ATSG LLC Contractor

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