[liberationtech] Commotion Wireless source code & downloads

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Tue Dec 31 20:54:22 PST 2013

Hi all,

   Just wanted to shoot a couple of links to the source code for 
Commotion, since there seemed to be some confusion.  The project is kind 
of huge ^_^;;

Source for all packages on github: https://github.com/opentechinstitute

Pre-built router images: https://commotionwireless.net/download/routers
NOTE:  signing key for images is: 

Base repo for routers: 
(as part of the build process, it pulls in numerous other repos, so be 
sure to check the make files if you want to hack on it)

Android apk: https://commotionwireless.net/download/android

Commotion Linux (developer release): 

Documentation: https://commotionwireless.net/docs/cck
(It's also on github and we accept patches!) 

   This project is really important to all of us, so if there's a dead 
link or you find a bug, or you think usability could be improved in some 
way, or the documentation doesn't cover you -- LET US KNOW!  We're all 
really friendly and are always happy to accept patches or rewrite 
instructions if that's what's needed.

Griffin Boyce

(Happy New Year!)

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